Single use sterile medical device concept
The so-called single-use sterile medical devices refer to products that are organized in accordance with the production process requirements of the production process of single-use sterile devices in a clean workshop that meets the requirements
Release Date:
Oct 19,2021
The so-called single-use sterile medical devices refer to products that are organized in accordance with the production process requirements of the production process of single-use sterile devices in a clean workshop that meets the requirements, and can only be sold and used after sterilization. Medical|Education|Web Collection. Once the product is unsealed, it should be used immediately, and it must be destroyed after use to prevent continued use.
Due to the severe spread of certain blood-borne infectious diseases in the world, especially sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, it has become indispensable to promote the use of single-use sterile medical devices in China to prevent cross-infection of diseases. One of the means.
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